3Boxes Paracetamol 500mg 200 tablets (5blisters x 10 tablets /box)– Pain & Fever Relief


Short Descriptions

Paracetamol is used as a mild to moderate pain reliever and fever reducer
Antipyretic: Due to all causes of fever (including contraindications to aspirin)
Temporarily relieves pain in cases of pain due to different causes: headache, dysmenorrhea, toothache, musculoskeletal pain ...

More Information

Expiration 2023
Brand Mediplantex


Adults and children over 12 years: The usual dose of paracetamol is 1-2 tablets / time, once every 4-6 hours as needed, not more than 8 tablets / day.
Children 5-12 years old: 1/2 - 1 capsule / time, once every 4-6 hours as needed
Children under 5 years old: It is recommended to use the form of medicine specially formulated for children to have an appropriate way of using and dividing the dose (powder, syrup, suppository)
Storage: Store in a dry place, protected from light, and below 30 degrees C

Drug information:
Ingredients: Each capsule contains
Paracetamol ………………… .500mg
Excipients 1 capsule
Packaging: Box of 5 blisters x 10 tablets
Brand Origin: Vietnam
Manufacturer: Mediplantex

Keep out of reach of CHILDREN. Read the directions carefully before use.
If you need more information, please consult your doctor.